
JWormBench is a port of the WormBench 1 benchmark from C# to Java. This port extends the original benchmark in several ways, making it more useful as a testbed for evaluating STMs. Moreover, our port, which we called JWormBench, was designed to be easily extensible and to allow easy integration with different STMs.

We used the JWormBench to explore the effects on performance of relaxing the transparency of an STM 2.

[1] WormBench - A Configurable Workload for Evaluating Transactional Memory Systems, Ferad Zyulkyarov et al, 2008, Workshop on MEmory performance: DEaling with Applications, systems and architecture (MEDEA), In conjunction with PACT Conference.

[2] STM with transparent API considered harmful, Fernando Miguel Carvalho, João Cachopo, 2011, ICA3PP'11: Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Algorithms and architectures for parallel processing - Volume Part I , Volume Part I

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© 2008-2013 JWormBench
Based on template design by Andreas Viklund

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