Maven repository top-level directory is here.
To use software from this repository in your Maven projects, add the following
configuration to the appropriate section in either your project's pom.xml
file or your Maven global settings.xml
This is a annotation-based advice-like mechanism. It allows the programmers to annotate methods as being advised. Then, when such advised method is called, the associated advice is executed, instead of the method. It is up to the advice to decide whether to actually call the method. For this to work as intended the programmer needs to select the annotation to use as an advice and:
run the
to generate the
AnnotationInstance class that represents the selected annotation instance.
This class will be used internally.
Define a
, which takes the selected
annotation instance and should return the
will be called when an advised method is called.
to post-process the
compiled classes. This will search the presence of the advised annotation
and replace the original method with another method that runs the advice.
It also creates a callable to the original advised method that is given to
the execution of the Advice (in the perform
To use this library, put this in your maven project.
Alternatively, you can browse the files in the repository and directly download the latest JAR file available.
In Maven just add the following, or equivalent, to the <plugins>
section in
your POM.
Replace ${}
the name fully-qualified class name of your
Replace ${}
the fully-qualified class name of your
. This is an optional parameter. It should be absent when
The default factory is provided:
The annotation itself defines the following property: Class<? extends
AdviceFactory<T>> adviceFactory()
where T
is the annotation's type.
The annotation processor will lookup the required factory in the following order:
At runtime the code that had the processed annotation will depend on it the
Advice lib. To depend only on the minimum set of classes you can change your
runtime dependencies down to advice-runtime
, which includes less
dependencies than advice-program
. E.g.:
You can contact us via email at: esw_AT_inesc-id_DOT_ist_DOT_utl_DOT_pt.